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Road Hazards and Motorcycle Accidents

An experienced Spokane lawyer will fight for you

Every motorist needs to keep an eye out for hazards on the road, but no one knows better than motorcyclists just how important that is. Road hazards are often involved in serious motorcycle accidents, and if you've been hurt, your life may have changed completely. You need an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer on your side to help you recover.

If you've been seriously injured, Richard E. Lewis, P.S. can help. We understand all the legal complexities involved with these accidents and the impact an injury can have on your life. As your law firm, we'll fight for the compensation you need to rebuild your life.

Multiple liabilities can be involved in road hazard accidents

Almost anything on the road surface can be a hazard for a motorcycle. Some hazardous conditions that may have contributed to your crash include:

  • Potholes
  • Pieces of blown-out tires
  • Lost cargo
  • Animals running into the road
  • Inclement weather
  • Intersections with poor visibility

Depending on the nature of the hazard itself, you may be able to take legal action against the person or company responsible for it. For example, if you hit an object that fell off a truck, the owner of the truck might be responsible. Likewise, if you hit a pothole, you might have a case against the government agency or business responsible for maintaining the road.

Moreover, if another motorist was involved in your accident, the presence of a hazard does not absolve that person of responsibility. You may have been rear-ended by someone who was following you too closely when you had to stop or swerve to avoid a hazard. Or you may have been hit by a driver who failed to pay attention in an area with limited visibility.

Put 30 years of legal experience to work on your complex case

If your accident involved a road hazard, you're in for a rough ride. There may be several liable parties, and you could be caught in the middle as you try to get the compensation you need. And through it all, you're facing the inherent bias that insurance companies and juries have against motorcyclists.

With an experienced and determined attorney on your side, you can overcome those obstacles and pursue the full and fair compensation you deserve. Attorney Lewis will thoroughly investigate what happened, reviewing accident reports, witness accounts and physical evidence from the scene. He'll negotiate with the insurance companies on your behalf, and if they won't pay fair compensation, he's prepared to take them to court.

Don't go it alone after a road hazard-related motorcycle accident. Contact us online or call 509-413-1278 to schedule your consultation with attorney Lewis.

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Richard E. Lewis, P.S.

421 W Riverside Ave.
Suite 512
Spokane, WA 99201
(located in the Paulsen Center)

Phone: 509-413-1278
Fax: 509-458-5977