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Jackknife Truck Accidents In Spokane

An attorney you can trust to take on the trucking company

There's nothing scarier for a motorist than an 18-wheeler jackknifing and careening across the highway. Jackknifing causes many serious and even fatal truck accidents, and if you've been injured in one, you need to fight for compensation to help you rebuild your life.

To take on the trucking companies after such a serious crash, you need an experienced truck accident lawyer to level the playing field. Attorney Richard E. Lewis has been handling complex injury cases for over 30 years. If you've been injured in Eastern Washington, Richard can help.

Understanding the causes of jackknife accidents

Commercial trucks are said to "jackknife" when the trailer folds in toward the cab, forming an angle similar to a folded pocketknife. In many cases, trucks don't just jackknife on their own. Some of the reasons a tractor-trailer might jackknife include:

  • Following another vehicle too closely and slamming on the brakes
  • Taking turns too fast or braking during the turn itself
  • Improper maneuvering during evasive actions
  • Driving recklessly during inclement weather or other poor conditions
  • Poorly maintained brakes

In short, almost all jackknife accidents are the result of negligence on the part of the driver or the trucking company. The trucking company may have failed to conduct a background check and hired a reckless driver, or failed to adequately train and supervise the trucker. Or they may have failed to maintain the truck itself, causing the brakes to fail and leading to jackknifing.

How an experienced attorney can help

In order to claim the damages you need from the trucking company, you need to prove negligence on their part. That might seem clear in a jackknife case, but bear in mind that these crashes are high-stakes cases for the trucking companies and their insurance carriers. They'll put their most experienced attorneys on the case, and you need your own advocate to even the odds. That's why you need to retain Richard E. Lewis, P.S.

Richard Lewis knows how to take on the trucking companies in difficult legal battles, and they know him. They understand how hard Richard fights for his clients, and his reputation makes a meaningful difference in negotiations and at trial. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation with Richard. Call 509-413-1278.

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Richard E. Lewis, P.S.

421 W Riverside Ave.
Suite 512
Spokane, WA 99201
(located in the Paulsen Center)

Phone: 509-413-1278
Fax: 509-458-5977